International Business School has signed a partnership contract in the field of education, science and culture with Tambovski State University G.R.Derzhavin in Russia. The university press center announced that the contract is active as of 01.03.2017. In the contract is foreseen to have student and tutors exchange, implementation of common projects and teaching venues.
IBS performs student mobility based on contracts with universities in the EU.
Also part of Erasmus program is the international partnership between IBS and Тhe International Business Academy, Kolding, Denmark. The Erasmus program supports activities in Tretriary education, professional education and tuition, education of adults and youth sector.
In MyUniversity project the IBS works in partnership with 13 universities from Bulgaria, Spain, Slovakia, Sweden and Lithuania. MyUniversity is a trial project which aims to develop, spread and recognize a complex solution which authorizes and engages university members and stakeholders in transparent decision making allowing the development of suitable recommendations and action plans focused on tretiary education in the EU.
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